Male and female students sitting in desk in a classroom.
Archway 课程特点


Nebraska Wesleyan University
Academic Affairs Office, Smith-Curtis 311
5000 Saint Paul Avenue
(402) 465-2110
传真 (402) 465-2537

Archway 课程特点

和其他学校一样, we want our students to have basic, foundational skills in mathematics, 现代语言, 写作和读写能力. We then go beyond the introductory courses to give you an education that’s both broad and deep.

Building a great life takes great tools. Your Nebraska Wesleyan experience comes equipped with everything you need to succeed.

Curriculum requirements for traditional undergraduates and transfer students differ somewhat.

Traditional undergraduates and transfer students can learn more about curriculum requirements here.


The first class you take here will build your foundation for academic excellence at NWU. Archway Seminars cover different topics—everything from bioethics to global conflict. But every Archway Seminar covers the same skills in researching, 写作, presenting and collaborating.

Writing-instructive courses

Most colleges have you take “Freshman Comp” and then figure their work is done. But employers say most college grads lack the 写作 skills their industries demand. 在NWU, you’ll take multiple 写作-instructive courses beyond your first-year 写作 requirement, including an upper-level course in your major. So you know you’ll graduate prepared for professional communication in your discipline.

Speaking/discourse-instructive courses

It also takes more than a semester to master public speaking. Speaking (and listening) well requires coaching, experience and practice. That’s why you’ll take multiple speaking- and discourse-instructive courses at NWU, including an upper-level course in your discipline.

多样性-instructive courses

多样性-Instructive courses invite students to expand their understanding of majority/minority relations in U.S. society and to develop greater appreciation of our global society.  In an increasingly diverse world where global migration is increasing at a rapid pace, where inequality based on heritage is built into social systems, and where societal problems facing all humanity will require the minds, 的声音, and actions of individuals from every background, students must have a deeper understanding of the diverse nature of their world.  This deeper understanding will allow for movement toward social justice.

Experiential learning

We believe in learning by doing. That’s why we built experiential learning into the 拱门的课程. 实习. Collaborate on research. 服务你的社区. All of our students have at least two of these positive experiences—giving you opportunity both to explore a new area and to delve more deeply into your chosen field. These life-changing experiences will deepen your learning and help you stand out both academically and professionally.

The Integrative core

A Nebraska Wesleyan education is all about seeing connections. The 拱门的课程 has you choose one or two “threads”—series of interconnected courses weaving through different academic disciplines. By exploring an issue from multiple perspectives, you’ll see the overlaps that others miss. Choose from threads like “Science and Religion” and “Power.” Make bold connections and learn to see the world in a whole new way.

Many integrative core courses are also 写作-, speaking-, discourse- or diversity-instructive. Some may overlap with your major or minor as well. Single courses can meet multiple graduation requirements, helping you stay on track to graduate on time. The integrative core joins different areas of your individualized curriculum to make you a stronger critical thinker.

Senior capstones and culminating experiences

So you’ve taken all the courses. You’ve followed your threads. You’ve even had several amazing beyond-the-classroom experiences. But what does it all amount to?

Most schools hand you a diploma and leave you to connect the dots. But at NWU, every student has the opportunity to do a capstone project. That might include a professional practicum or internship, a fine arts performance or exhibition, or a major research project that demonstrates to you, your professors and future employers exactly what your Nebraska Wesleyan experience means for your life.